My Services
These are my most popular services
Depression can effect us physically and mentally in many different ways. You may feel continually sad and hopeless, like nothing can help but you can recover from depression. You may be unable to sleep and have difficulty concentrating. By working together we can identify what may be causing your depression and how to help you manage it. Using CBT, we can challenge the negative thoughts which seem to engulf you when you feel depressed. I will also support you to make lifestyle changes which can help you feel better about yourself.
Relationship Issues
Relationships are at the heart of all of our lives whether they are romantic, with family, friends or professional. They can cause powerful feelings which can lead to conflict and misunderstandings. I can help you understand what is happening within the relationship and how to work towards a healthier, more fulfilling one. Are your partner are feeling stuck and experiencing the same arguments? Come to couples counselling and make a change.
Anger is a normal human reaction but it can become destructive. It is a problem if it harms you or the people around you. Together we can work to identify the triggers that make you angry and how to cope with situations differently. It can be helpful to understand why certain situations make you angry so we may explore what has happened in your past. We will look at your thought patterns which could be contributing to your anger and how to challenge those thoughts.
A traumatic event occurs when someone is in a situation where there is a risk of harm or danger to themselves or other people. Situations like this are usually frightening or cause overwhelming stress. In such situations, people feel helpless. There are many events in our lives which may cause trauma such as bereavement, loss, accidents, personal assault. I can help you understand the feelings and effects of trauma and support your recovery.

Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life’s biggest challenges. Grief is the normal process of reacting to a loss. The more significant the loss, the more intense your grief. Loss can include the death of a person or pet, loss of physical health, a relationship breakdown or loss of a job. There are many reactions to grief which can include anger, guilt, anxiety, sadness, despair, headaches and problems sleeping. I can help you come to terms with your loss and cope with the pain.
Anxiety can affect people in many different ways. For some people it is a constant feeling of fear and worry about ‘what if….’ Anxiety can cause many physical symptoms such as shaking and sickness and it can become completely debilitating. Using CBT, I can help you manage the negative thoughts and feelings that anxiety can cause.
A reasonable amount of stress can be useful to us by driving us forward but not if it becomes overwhelming. Symptoms of stress can include feeling irritable or wound up, racing thoughts and having difficulty sleeping or making decisions. Counselling can offer you a different perspective on your life and help you how manage stress differently in the future.
When someone close to you dies, it can be devastating. Bereavement affects everyone in different ways, there is no right or wrong way to feel. Feelings of grief can be overwhelming, unpredictable and hard to cope with on your own. I am here to listen and help you adjust to life again.